Great Reviews for One Word At A Time: Finding Your Way as an Indie Author!

I couldn't be more thrilled by the reception of my new book One Word At A Time: Finding Your Way as an Indie Author! I've received so many kind words from those who've read it, I appreciate this more than you know. The book now has SEVEN Amazon reviews with an average of 4.5 stars! If you've read the book I'd like to hear what you think and, please, whether you liked it or not please write an Amazon review!

If you haven't read One Word At A Time yet and would like to Amazon has discounted the paperback (it's also available as an eBook in the Kindle store).

Thank you!

One Word At A Time: Finding Your Way as an Indie Author

A Note From My Publisher

I’m writing for a simple reason. I want to bribe you to buy the book "One Word at a Time" by Eric Vance Walton. Why am I doing this? Because I believe in this book.

If you want to be a writer, a real writer, this book is for you. It’s not about fame or money. (Even though the book will help you get those things.) It’s about building a life as a writer.

If you buy the "One Word at a Time" before Saturday, I will give you 3 eBooks that we’ve previously published as a bonus. The bonus eBooks are not available anywhere else. The only way to get these books is to buy "One Word at a Time."

The bonus books are: “Submit Publish Repeat,” "How to Market Your Novel on Facebook," and "Your Book, Published!"

If you want to live the life of a writer, please buy "One Word at a Time." Right now.

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Jacob Jans Editor Authors Publish

PS: Once you buy One Word at a Time, you can access your bonus content here:

How I Spent My Summer

I was busy this summer.  I'm thrilled to announce my first traditionally published book One Word At A Time: Finding Your Way as an Indie Author.  My soul is in this book, it contains hard won knowledge attained from 20 years in the writing business. Please click on the attached link below to download your FREE PREVIEW of the book before it's released to the public in mid-October. Also, feel free to share this link with anyone you know who is interested in writing. Thanks for your support! Link to download the exclusive preview:

It's Crunch Time

The book is written, the cover is in the works, the title will be chosen by reader poll, and a launch date has been chosen.  My first book launch with a traditional publisher is steadily moving forward. It's been an amazing experience so far.  After self publishing for the past twenty years it's been wonderful to be able to focus more on the writing and have other competent people to take on the myriad of other tasks involved in a book launch.  

There are a lot of moving parts at this phase. I'm soaking it all in and learning as much as I can. The publisher has asked me to host a webinar just a few days before the launch. I've done a little public speaking but this is new territory for me. I have lots of preparation before me in the coming month.  A YouTube channel is also planned with short instructional and motivational videos for authors. 

I am so excited to share this project with you.  It's a book on writing for beginning authors. To me, this book is very special because in encompasses so much of what I've learned (the hard way) in the course of my 20 year writing career.  My wish is to prevent other authors from making the same mistakes that I did.  

I will have lots of announcements to report in the coming weeks as different aspects of the book launch gel. Stay tuned! 


You Say It's My Birthday...

…Happy Birthday to me.  : )  Exactly 43 years ago I came into the world at around 4:40 AM.  Ironically this is very close to when my alarm chimes every single weekday morning for work.  In spite of these early morning wake ups, it's truly been a wonderful life thus far. Today I'm thankful to have the opportunity to spend my day doing one of the things I love most in life…write!  I'm wrapping up my manuscript for my first traditionally published book on writing for beginning (Indie) writers.  The working title is, "The Writer's Life - How To Live It"  

I'm wrapping up edits today on a chapter pertaining to maximizing profit from your work and budgeting. It's the largest chapter so far and contains tips on painless ways to cut the excess from your budget as well as ways to squeeze the most profit from your writing. This afternoon, I'll be hammering away at three new chapters on craft.  I can think of no better way to spend this day. 

As soon as we have more updates and release date for this book I'll be sharing these things here! 

Have a wonderful day, all! 

So Beautifully Bittersweet

These lines on my faceconvey much more than words can say

In every laugh, every tear it is written that life is more than some fluid interplay of randomness

I've long felt trapped by the ceiling, have grown accustomed to the cool indifference of its glass

like a child I've fogged it over with breath and etched a message for some savior to find

But that savior never came and the hands, they continued so persistently in their sweeping revolution that now no time remains to succumb to sameness

The realization of a dream appears when it is meant to, always written in beautifully bittersweet form.

The glass so easily shatters.

Things I've Learned From Puerto Rico

1. The weather doesn't get any nicer than this.2. The people are standoffish at first but warm up quickly. 3. There seems to be a real "Love/Hate" undercurrent in their relationship with the US. 4. The music is loud. 5. They eat lots of meat. "Vegetables" usually consist of either a root vegetable or shredded iceberg lettuce with sliced tomato. 6. Driving is aggressive but people are not as heavy on the horns as most US cities. 7. Coffee is served with milk, almost never black. 8. Life is less orderly and lived at a much slower pace. After coming from mainland America it took a solid 3 days of varying degrees of frustration to get used to it. Now that I am I'm much happier for it. 9. My priorities will be re shifted with less of an emphasis placed on things. 10. I love being immersed in foreign places, learning subtleties of the culture. 11. I'll be back.
