You Say It's My Birthday...
…Happy Birthday to me. : ) Exactly 43 years ago I came into the world at around 4:40 AM. Ironically this is very close to when my alarm chimes every single weekday morning for work. In spite of these early morning wake ups, it's truly been a wonderful life thus far. Today I'm thankful to have the opportunity to spend my day doing one of the things I love most in life…write! I'm wrapping up my manuscript for my first traditionally published book on writing for beginning (Indie) writers. The working title is, "The Writer's Life - How To Live It"
I'm wrapping up edits today on a chapter pertaining to maximizing profit from your work and budgeting. It's the largest chapter so far and contains tips on painless ways to cut the excess from your budget as well as ways to squeeze the most profit from your writing. This afternoon, I'll be hammering away at three new chapters on craft. I can think of no better way to spend this day.
As soon as we have more updates and release date for this book I'll be sharing these things here!
Have a wonderful day, all!