It's Crunch Time

The book is written, the cover is in the works, the title will be chosen by reader poll, and a launch date has been chosen.  My first book launch with a traditional publisher is steadily moving forward. It's been an amazing experience so far.  After self publishing for the past twenty years it's been wonderful to be able to focus more on the writing and have other competent people to take on the myriad of other tasks involved in a book launch.  

There are a lot of moving parts at this phase. I'm soaking it all in and learning as much as I can. The publisher has asked me to host a webinar just a few days before the launch. I've done a little public speaking but this is new territory for me. I have lots of preparation before me in the coming month.  A YouTube channel is also planned with short instructional and motivational videos for authors. 

I am so excited to share this project with you.  It's a book on writing for beginning authors. To me, this book is very special because in encompasses so much of what I've learned (the hard way) in the course of my 20 year writing career.  My wish is to prevent other authors from making the same mistakes that I did.  

I will have lots of announcements to report in the coming weeks as different aspects of the book launch gel. Stay tuned!