The Cure For The Common Road Rage

  I consider myself a peaceful and easy going individual most of the time, I’ve meditated and practiced yoga for almost twenty years. There are few things anymore that rile me up but one of them left is the annoyance of bad drivers. When I’m driving something transformative happens that reduces the level of my patience nearly to zero. It seems that drivers, more than ever, have their minds on anything and everything but driving. Rules of the road to them are mere, “suggestions” and this would include lane markers, signs and traffic lights.

Yes, I admit was one of those horn-beeping, finger-flipping barbarians who would not hesitate to call you out for cutting me off, running a red light or drifting into my lane while simultaneously steering with your knees, sipping your latte, and checking your Facebook news feed.

My cure came in a most unassuming way. Just recently I bought a used 2010 Honda Fit. This car is perfect for me in every way and inadvertently has ended my decade long, love/hate relationship with driving. I believe what this car has taught me could possibly cure road rage on a global scale.

I’ll never forget the first day I discovered it. It was just a regular day and I was on the way to work. From the other direction someone turned left in front of me, nearly shearing off the first few inches of the front of my, “new” car. I was furious and instinctively slammed my palm into the center of the steering wheel and that is when it happened… “meeeeeeeeep”. Just as a succession of blistering expletives were about to be launched from my lips I laughed instead.

This was no normal horn, in fact it reminded me of the horn on my old 1983 Tomos moped...if the battery were almost dead. The sound was embarrassingly dreadful and actually the antithesis of what a horn should be. I felt shame, I felt embarrassment, it humbled me.

As my father so graciously taught me through his example, the offensive gestures and fiery expletives can come in any order but the horn beeping must always proceed them both. That’s the way it is, there’s no other way.

Instantly, I became a change man, years of anger were wiped clean. All it took was a wimpy horn.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Half Way Home

Awake, at half past twilightstaring hard into the night heart heavy with nothing but the weight of wishes my soul has yet to shed so much to be done, many words left to be said

Time, teach me more than I think I can learn

Cycles, please slow your turn

for Regret, I don't wish to feel your burn

Life, tell me a story but know that I'm too old for empty words the deeper I dig the deeper you get that much I know but these bones ache now when your cold winds blow

Time, teach me more than I think I can learn

Cycles, please slow your turn

for Regret, I don't wish to feel your burn.

Universe, it was you who conspired cleverly to put me here in this world, ripe with storied shadows so eager to speak their truth even if people aren't always as forthright

Time, teach me more than I think I can learn

Cycles, please slow your turn

for Regret, I don't wish to feel your burn.

~Eric Vance Walton~

25% Off All of My Books Through Monday, May 26th!

25% Off All of My Books Through Monday, May 26th!

Happy (US) Memorial Day everyone! To celebrate this Holiday weekend, and the unofficial start of Summer, please enjoy a 25% discount on all four of my titles (including my debut novel Alarm Clock Dawn) with the discount code MEMORIAL25. As always, thank you for your support!

Bien Dormir

Close your eyes,dream a daunting dream that seems a haunting ghost in waking hours

see your soul in slumber's mirror, it is stirring with such strength that spirit speaks and wishes wander without constraints of time and space

leave your longings and leap into the night fly so fast, so free that your wake curls the fragile edges of moonlit mist

welcome to this land of happenstance and whimsy where no wants exist

here gravity tugs only at our hearts, entranced and we dare to dream nothing...but love.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Read The First Five Chapters of Alarm Clock Dawn for Free!

Read The First Five Chapters of Alarm Clock Dawn for Free!

This is the first book of trilogy in the Alarm Clock Dawn series. Sometimes, when all hope seems lost, there's only one solution…to AWAKEN.  

What Readers Are Saying...

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was easy to read and full of twists, turns, reflection and enough suspense to keep me reading (I just had to find out what was going to happen next!) It contained a good mix of drama, science fiction, poetry, spirituality and a hint of romance. It was a book which really made me think outside of the box and is one I still continue to think about! Rumor has it this is a part of a trilogy and I am eagerly awaiting the release of the next book. I believe this book will interest a lot of people because it crosses several genres. Congratulations Eric to a job well done! - Sue Kimmes


Alarm Clock Dawn is cleverly written and the title should "dawn" on you as you progress in your reading. Once you do get it, you may be surprised at the meaning of it and realize how the story relates to your life.

Eric Vance Walton is a brilliant author and poet and proves it though out by providing his readers with layers of spirituality, suspense, poems, and symbolism. All you have to do is be willing and able to be receptive to Eric's message. I believe that it is a powerful one and very well worth your time. I guarantee once you pick the book up, it will be hard to put it down.

The book should help you, as it did me, to remember some things that you may have forgotten, things that are extremely important to a person's soul and mental well-being. It may also help you to remember what you are passionate about. - Jean White

This is an excellent first novel from an author more known for his poetry. Set in a dystopian society, that frankly looks like somewhere we could easily be headed, the author crafts a cautionary tale about the excesses of a society that strives for more and more "things". Driven by huge multinational corporations with excellent advertising (Marlboro, Budweiser, Lunestra anyone?), the story evolves to provide a yin to the yang that sets it up. I am NOTORIOUS for getting halfway through a book and jumping to the last chapter, just because I hate waiting. This book was the first one that I didn't do that to in a Looooong time, and I was handsomely rewarded. There was a nice twist and denouement that I just didn't see coming. Well worth the read! - Shawn Mullen

This book was a fun and thought provoking read!! The characters are so relatable,I found myself challenging my own routines and reasons behind them!! A must read for anyone who is ready to enjoy a story that will force you to look beyond yourself! - Kami Burgess


It only took half
a lifetime to
learn that
I'm wise enough
to realize
I'm not nearly
wise enough

So I lay down
my defenses
for these were
proverbial fences,
and fear was the lock
on the garden's gate

I am
present now
with nothing
left to lose,
nothing to prove,
my soul stripped bare
by humility

future flow now
and let me
ride your waves
for I've found
my bliss
and the garden is
like some warm
sweet kiss
that floods
my empty
and leaves
me longing for
you, only you
or nothing at all.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Read or Download the First Five Chapters of my novel Alarm Clock Dawn for Free!

Read or Download the First Five Chapters of my novel Alarm Clock Dawn for Free!

ALARM CLOCK DAWN, author Eric Vance Walton's debut novel, is the chilling story of a world only decades ahead of our own. Adam Harkin is an employee of XenTek, the most powerful corporation the world has ever known. Adam begins to question the purpose of his existence in a world where people are no longer citizens; they are merely consumers. Every aspect of a person’s role in society is to be determined by one number—their credit score. 

The planet is protesting corporate greed and insatiable consumerism through crippling super storms that erupt without warning. 

In a race against time, thousands of people are waking up from this nightmare, burning their Consumer Identification Cards and doing the only thing they can to strike back—dropping out of this toxic society. One by one they join the camps outside the cities. The fate of humanity itself is at stake and the clock is ticking. One question haunts their fragile optimism: Is it already too late?

Making Progress

I'm working on the (as yet unnamed) book on writing for beginning writers today. Another solid chapter is just about complete. Researching for this project is going to really help my writing career. I'm learning lots. I can't believe the success authors are finding and so quickly (i.e.,Veronica Roth)!

This book is really taking form now. It's a funny thing in this business how every opportunity leads to another, it really does. Having the strength and discipline to begin is the most important thing…this is my random thought for the day. That is all. 


By Max Erhmann(Latin meaning; desired things)

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there is in silence. As far as possible, without surrender be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud or aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself to others, you main become vain and bitter, for there will always be someone greater or lessor than yourself.

Enjoy achievements as well as your plans, keep interested in your career; however; however humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is, many people strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.

Especially do not feign affection. Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the council of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you from sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be, and whatever your labors or aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all it’s sham and drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.


Joy comes in silent ways,

happiness is more illusive

as we chase our many dreams,
wide-eyed with wonder

let us not forget
to live the breadth of each breath
and be thankful for simplicity

this life was handcrafted
specifically for us
to learn our lessons
in their perfect season

close your eyes,
quiet your mind,
tune your consciousness
to the harmony
of the Universe

realize, time takes
from us each second
but can also offers
us infinity in return.

~Eric Vance Walton~



Our walls tremble 
with every wind
and each of the world's 
whispers remind 
of our impermanence 
yet my optimism,
it never fades

each of us, every one
are traveling this upwards trajectory

that has the very same destination

I don't love you 
in spite of your imperfections 
but because of them

each of them, every one
is like a diamond's facet
a certain uniqueness

that leaves

its fingerprint 
on the Universe.

~Eric Vance Walton~

The Cure for Common Road Rage

I consider myself a peaceful and easy going individual most of the time, I've meditated and practiced yoga for almost twenty years. There are few things anymore that rile me up but one of them left are bad drivers. When I'm driving something transformative happens that reduces the level of my patience nearly to zero. It seems that drivers, more than ever, have their minds on anything and everything but driving. Rules of the road to them are mere "suggestions" and this would include lane markers, signs and traffic lights.

Yes, I admit was one of those horn-beeping, finger-flipping barbarians who would call you out for cutting me off, running a red light or drifting into my lane while steering with your knees, sipping your latte and checking your Facebook news feed. 

My cure came in the most unassuming way. Just recently I bought a used 2010 Honda Fit. This car is perfect for me in every way and inadvertently has ended my decade long, love/hate relationship with driving. I believe what this car has taught me could possibly cure road rage on a global level.

I'll never forget the first day I discovered it. It was just a regular day and I was on the way to work. From the other direction someone turned left in front of me, nearly shearing off the first few inches of the front of my "new" car. I was furious and instinctively slammed my palm into the center of the steering wheel and then it happened... "eeeeeeeeep". Just as a succession of fiery expletives were about to leave my lips I laughed instead. This was no normal horn, in fact it reminded me of the one on my old 1983 Tomos moped, if the battery were dying. The sound was embarrassingly dreadful and actually the antithesis of what a horn should be.

Just like that I'm a changed man! As my father so graciously taught me, the gestures and the expletives can come in any order but the horn beeping must proceed them both. That's the way it is, there's no other way. 

Instantly, years of anger were wiped clean. All it took was the embarrassment of a wimpy horn.

~Eric Vance Walton~

The Greatest of Secrets

You languish, awash in worry
that time is slipping by
and all that once was
has long gone down the road
never to pass your way again

they tell you you’re a sinner
and you remember
when your innocence
wouldn’t allow you to believe
but time and their wicked words
have so deliberately whittled you away

it is they who tell you to keep coming back,
dangling the hope of salvation
just beyond your fervor’s grasp.

But there are a few things
that they have failed to tell you
you are miraculous, you are divinity’s spark
the power of your soul is a sleeping giant, long exiled 

if you only knew the power that you possess
your eyes would stream tears of joy as if awakened
from a terrible nightmare to realize the greatest of secrets,
that you are an emperor in beggar's clothes indeed.

~Eric Vance Walton~

The Cliff

The knowingnever leaves me now, it's haunting to realize the when, the why, the how

drowning in a sea of greed, so blissfully distracted as the 1% reaps, their machine consuming evermore

We each play our roles but those nervous smiles reveal the feeling that something's wrong with the direction of this herd

At times it seems like the right words might just break our trance but so continues our dance right to the edge of the cliff.

~Eric Vance Walton~

The Cubicle Jungle

Working in the close quarters of the modern office environment can be more difficult than you think. Below are a few tidbits of wisdom to help navigate you safely through the pitfalls of the cubicle jungle. 

Homo-Cubiclus - An often intelligent but sedentary creature who sits in a tiny three walled office for 8 to 10 hours a day. These creatures survive on various forms of fried pastry, sugar and caffienated beverages and frequently daydream of places far, far away. 

Listed below are some, but not all varieties of Homo-Cubiclus: 

Besmircher - One who has mastered the art of twisting every conceivable positive into a negative. You often feel like washing up after encountering a besmircher. 

Besmoocher - One who cozies up to the boss or high ranking cubicle-mate at every opportunity and then is the first to talk about him/her like a dog when he or she isn't present. Can be nauseatingly saccahrine. Try to exchange nothing but vague pleastantries with a besmoocher. 

Flapper - (Not to be confused with the 1920's era cultural icon). One who will literally explode if, after being told something, doesn't repeat it to someone else within at least five minutes. Flappers have been known to often take creative license in the retelling of said information or stories. Say nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, to a flapper that you don't want repeated. 

Stall Jockey (or sometimes referred to as the less culturally accepted, turd-bird) - An individual who disappears for long periods of time, several times a day. Stall Jockey's can be fun at parties, exhibit a lacksadaisical attitude and sometimes whistle. The tell-tale sign of a stall jockey is the everpresent reading material proudly tucked under one arm or sandwiched between important looking work-related files. 

Togglemaster - One who posses lightning quick reflexes not unlike that of a ninja. They use these reflexes to their advantage by surfing the internet and reading frivilous e-mail attachments for most of the day. These adreniline junkies are masters of using the "Alt" and "Tab" keys to toggle back to that all important spreadsheet or work item just a split second before the boss walks by. Exercise caution when approaching a Togglemaster (ecspecially if unannounced) for they can be skittish and easily exciteable.

Schnoozer - A true schoozer is almost zen-like. They have one foot planted in reality and one foot in the land of dreams and can make an seamless, almost unnoticeable transition. If a Schnoozer is still for more than a few minutes chances are he/she has achieved the illusive dreamlike state. 

Wishy-washer - These people, for various reasons, adamately refuse to state their personal opinion or take a strong stance on any one subject for fear it will go "against the grain" in a homogenous politically correct environment. Often, wishy washers have lost all but a shred of their individuality and delight themselves in owning each and every shade of khaki clothing. 

Roundabout - "All the world's a stage" and, when in the spotlight, a good roundabout can be mesmirizing! Roundabouts take pride in rarely giving a direct answer to any question. Watch for a theatrical oratory style, this will often..but not always give them away. The roundabout climbs the ladder quickly and will continue to hone their craft in the cubicle jungle until such time as they decide to move into the political arena. 

Chief Time Thief – The person in the office who stealthily lies in waiting to nab you at the least opportune times in hallways or restroom areas for lengthy and often pointless conversations. Avoid this person at all costs, especially in social settings. Chief Time Thieves are almost guaranteed to make their victims sweat and have been known to elevate their blood pressure by at least ten points. 

The Piddler – It’s a Piddler’s ultimate goal in life to one day find a way to master the laws of physics and actually suspend time. Until this ultimate goal is reached it will satisfy them to spend least ten times longer than necessary to do each and every job function. Piddlers relish in life’s little details, often have very serious demeanors and appear to be very studious and philosophical. 

The Whittler - One who slowly and steadily erodes the morals of the entire department by spreading rumors and/or gossip with the sole purpose of starting trouble within the group. Whittlers are typically excellent strategists, will talk about anyone behind their backs, pit people against one another and sit back and enjoy the show. A tell tale sign of a Whittler is a saccharine sweet veneer and free flowing compliments for anyone within earshot. 

The Martyr – A Martyr will be the first to tell you, the weight of the world is on their shoulders. Martyrs can be seen heavily sighing and shaking their heads in disgust quite frequently. Nervous ticks and soft incoherent mumblings can sometimes be observed in extreme cases. 

Gigante Importante – A person who has been with the company since the dawn of time and have found a comfortable niche in middle management. Gigante Importante’s, many times, operate under the false assumption that they're indispensable and the Universe would actually grind to a halt if it weren’t for their glowing competence. Be careful, Gigante Importante’s are very territorial and can become argumentative if threatened. 

Shiny-Happy-People - These people are just plain happy as hell. In fact, they can be disturbingly happy. Shiny-Happy-People can exhibit short term memory loss, cry frequently after-hours, most have experimented heavily with psychedelic drugs at some stage in their lives and usually have deep dark secrets that are best left unsaid. 

The Interrupter – A person who dominates each and every conversation or meeting that they’re involved in. There’s an unusual air of intellectual superiority surrounding an Interrupter. Usually thin, nervous with very dramatic communication styles and have a hyena-like laugh. These people clearly weren’t given enough attention as children and are making up for lost time. Interrupters have the unique ability to make others feel like they do not exist. Not unlike the Chief Time Thief, the Interrupter can raise other’s blood pressure significantly. 

The Interceptor - One who will take another’s good idea and present said idea to a manager with the intention of claiming it as their own. The Interceptor is completely devoid of a conscience or even a shred of common sense and can be found lurking behind cubicle walls, eaves dropping. Seasoned Interceptors have even been known to log onto other people’s computers in their absence to obtain their valuable information. 

Human Calliope - One who can make disgusting noises from each and every orifice either separately or in advanced cases, at the same time. Human Calliope’s are often exhibit brash and antisocial behavior. When conversing with a Human Calliope it's best to stand at least ten feet away or perhaps wear a slicker. 

~Eric Vance Walton~