
Of all these things I covet,all I've loved to pieces until they are no more you are my greatest enigma

my touchstone, the thief of my heart your words drip as your soul skips through the next field of daisies

the words you've said will echo through the ages in my head,

they will wrap me in warmth on cold days and one day will remind me what it was like to truly be alive.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Bien Dormir

Close your eyes,dream a daunting dream that seems a haunting ghost in waking hours

see your soul in slumber's mirror, it is stirring with such strength that spirit speaks and wishes wander without constraints of time and space

leave your longings and leap into the night fly so fast, so free that your wake curls the fragile edges of moonlit mist

welcome to this land of happenstance and whimsy where no wants exist

here gravity tugs only at our hearts, entranced and we dare to dream nothing...but love.

~Eric Vance Walton~



Our walls tremble 
with every wind
and each of the world's 
whispers remind 
of our impermanence 
yet my optimism,
it never fades

each of us, every one
are traveling this upwards trajectory

that has the very same destination

I don't love you 
in spite of your imperfections 
but because of them

each of them, every one
is like a diamond's facet
a certain uniqueness

that leaves

its fingerprint 
on the Universe.

~Eric Vance Walton~