So Beautifully Bittersweet

These lines on my faceconvey much more than words can say

In every laugh, every tear it is written that life is more than some fluid interplay of randomness

I've long felt trapped by the ceiling, have grown accustomed to the cool indifference of its glass

like a child I've fogged it over with breath and etched a message for some savior to find

But that savior never came and the hands, they continued so persistently in their sweeping revolution that now no time remains to succumb to sameness

The realization of a dream appears when it is meant to, always written in beautifully bittersweet form.

The glass so easily shatters.

Four Thousand Breaths

I feed upon the sky at nightas the last ribbon of sun is gone, the darkness envelopes this place I sit four thousand breaths from dawn

my eyes embrace the ancient light as countless have before, as crickets sound a seamless chirp from grass down by the shore

time’s a faint and faded concept the years converge as one, miles are merely memories to be brushed away and shunned

reality is obsolete before the evening’s shepherd moon, my eyes open to realize it’s four thousand breaths from noon.



How lucid is your soul tonightas guards are put to rest? When not one is stirring ‘round you and the sun is setting west,

your true being is emerging as facades yield one by one as you long to merge with oneness and to greet the golden sun,

free from inhibitions imposed by the mind you call your own freedom from the past mistakes that haunts your Earthly home,

cross-legged, in the lotus you begin to clear your wearied mind wishing for a sliver of a moment to leave the struggle far behind

your pulse begins to slow as the void becomes your breath your heart begins to soothe you ever-beating in your chest,

dancing somewhere in the stillness breaking shadows far and near where a worry’s no longer a worry and a tear is not a tear,

a wave is all consuming a bright beam breaks clouds above you reach your precious goal and for a moment become Love.

Spring Thunderstorm

A wayward sigh escapes youAnd truly blends with ease Among the sights and sounds around you, greying skies and rustling leaves

as your body starts to shiver you can feel it’s looming near the calm before the storm has come, it happens every year

there is an ever-present beauty in the calm before the storm anticipation, stillness and the thoughts of keeping warm,

although there’s clear and present danger in getting in her path there can be great enjoyment in watching Mother Nature’s wrath,

the calm is coming to end it’s more than plain to see as lightning breaks the clean grey slate of sky behind the trees

the rain begins to mist the wind begins to howl lightning brightens threatening skies as thunder snarls and growls

the postman looks up to the sky and shakes a tight-clenched fist for the raindrops dance upon his head falling stronger than a mist

somehow fear eludes me as I take in all the sights and suddenly, looking to the west I see soft clouds of white

blue comes shortly after then warm rays of sun just as quickly as it came, the thunderstorm is done.


All That Really Matters

a perpetual strangertraveling down this dark and narrow, twisted trip of blissful contradiction with heart wide open

absorbing all this life has to give while wandering the razor's edge in peace and harmony

ever so thankful for wounds that sting and the laughter that heals

in all these many years I've never lost faith that each step brings us closer to that place of perfect completeness

where we wake up in wisdom to cast all aside all of our favorite demons and finally realize that love is all that really matters.