A Grand Resurrection

When I wasjust a young man liked things shiny and new,

as the years have gone by I have grown to appreciate a speckle of rust, a layer of dust, a mottled patina

the middle aged me has a certain penchant not for pretty things but rather things that have been cast aside as useless and obsolete, tired things huddled in a corner feeling like they've lived a hundred lives, maybe because I do too?

oftentimes all it takes is a little attention to spark a grand resurrection

You see, I've found these things, they are so eager to tell their stories and continue their breath of life inhale tarnished, exhale cleansed

I seek out and smile at the perfectly imperfect and bask in their greatness of character I don't mind that they've lived a hundred lives, for in my heart they are reborn and in a way, so am I.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Vintage Raleigh Bike

Too Simple To See

Time is cruelin that there are not enough minutes in a lifetime to learn all there is to know

the best of our years are spent sifting through the bullshit, the fluff, the liars, and the takers until one great day our hearts reveal to us what it is that truly matters

even if our eyes witness the truth of only one sunset there would be immeasurable worth in all of the struggle and pain

there is such beauty in this world if only it weren't too simple to see.

~Eric Vance Walton~


Of all these things I covet,all I've loved to pieces until they are no more you are my greatest enigma

my touchstone, the thief of my heart your words drip as your soul skips through the next field of daisies

the words you've said will echo through the ages in my head,

they will wrap me in warmth on cold days and one day will remind me what it was like to truly be alive.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Broken Dreams

In this world it's so easyto be broken, so many dreams are fractured every day

We must carry on in this world of madness, when all we want to really do is play

Trust is such a scary road to wander, it can feel like a stone in your shoe

The pain brings you back to this moment, and can reveal a very sacred truth

Don't ever spend too much time looking backwards or laying down and gazing at the stars

This life is all about the journey and these broken dreams can show us who we are.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Know Me

You think you know mebut do you really?

You’ve savored me before like the last taste of summer wine and you have ignored me like some troubled stranger asking for your last dime

Do you remember?

I call to you softly in your time of greatest need to offer solace and love, without condition I am a steady presence who is here to ground you in times of chaos

Are you listening?

I place no blame, you were built to be a stranger to yourself in a world where the only goal is to discover who it is you really are

Will you love me?

There is no leap of logic that can bring you closer to me there is only one way, an unfolding of your heart.

I am waiting and will be here forever, I will replace doubt with deep faith I am your soul.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Memories Of The Sun

Smothered...in this deep winter bleakness as the sun walks away from us, an ancient journey to be traveled once again

but I will hold fast in my memory the days when it seemed close enough to pull from the sky and whisper to

I remember each moment it warmed us and the wondrous twilight when we squinted as it danced broad along the water's edge

these memories of the sun, they will offer me solace through the gathering darkness as we patiently await the lushness of the equinox with a certain feigned indifference that fools no one.

~Eric Vance Walton~


Put a buzz on my brainlike some whimsical whisper barely audible yet so beguiling that it takes me away, tipping my world ever so slightly...vertigo

when I regain my balance I am never quite the same, my psyche, slightly altered, We may fall but never falter destinies intertwined, it's true

traveling through this string of simple moments our souls speak to us if we only step aside, as this world turns, we learn in times of blessed vertigo.

~Eric Vance Walton~


That Fall, before the snows came
the bees buzzed in spite of us
and nature still danced its magic

something in us knew
that life would never be the same
we closed our eyes and soaked
up the rays of the sun
as though we wanted
to hoard them in a cupboard
to feast upon in the midnight hour,
our superpower against
the gathering darkness

I snickered at the thought
but the only choice was to endure
what was to come
and let it change us
to learn, to grow
and develop a deeper appreciation for the warmth of the sun.

~Eric Vance Walton~


Half Way Home

Awake, at half past twilightstaring hard into the night heart heavy with nothing but the weight of wishes my soul has yet to shed so much to be done, many words left to be said

Time, teach me more than I think I can learn

Cycles, please slow your turn

for Regret, I don't wish to feel your burn

Life, tell me a story but know that I'm too old for empty words the deeper I dig the deeper you get that much I know but these bones ache now when your cold winds blow

Time, teach me more than I think I can learn

Cycles, please slow your turn

for Regret, I don't wish to feel your burn.

Universe, it was you who conspired cleverly to put me here in this world, ripe with storied shadows so eager to speak their truth even if people aren't always as forthright

Time, teach me more than I think I can learn

Cycles, please slow your turn

for Regret, I don't wish to feel your burn.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Bien Dormir

Close your eyes,dream a daunting dream that seems a haunting ghost in waking hours

see your soul in slumber's mirror, it is stirring with such strength that spirit speaks and wishes wander without constraints of time and space

leave your longings and leap into the night fly so fast, so free that your wake curls the fragile edges of moonlit mist

welcome to this land of happenstance and whimsy where no wants exist

here gravity tugs only at our hearts, entranced and we dare to dream nothing...but love.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Song Bird

Your voiceCasts a certain Enchantment Blowing Into the corners Of our minds Like an Indelible wisp

It's a Song that Sparks a silly grin Casting out Our blues And making Us, if only for a Moment, forget The weary miles Walked in Our shoes, Life Is new

It's true As long As we Carry your Sweet song In our hearts The world is A finer place, bone china And delicate lace, cups always brimming With the Rarest tea.

Leave us lifted With each note to savor, Every phrase Is a savior That will whisk Mundane Worries away.

~Eric Vance Walton~

This poem is dedicated to Stacey Kent and Jim Tomlinson.