My Debut Novel - Alarm Clock Dawn Are you looking for a novel to cozy up with on those cold Fall nights? Posted above is a link to my debut novel. This is the first novel of the trilogy and the sequel, Dream No More, will be coming this time next year!
Reader Review by Shawn Mullen-
This is an excellent first novel from an author more known for his poetry. Set in a dystopian society, that frankly looks like somewhere we could easily be headed, the author crafts a cautionary tale about the excesses of a society that strives for more and more "things". Driven by huge multinational corporations with excellent advertising (Marlboro, Budweiser, Lunestra anyone?), the story evolves to provide a yin to the yang that sets it up. I am NOTORIOUS for getting halfway through a book and jumping to the last chapter, just because I hate waiting. This book was the first one that I didn't do that to in a Looooong time, and I was handsomely rewarded. There was a nice twist and denouement that I just didn't see coming. Well worth the read!