A New Path
I had posted something on social media a few days ago about learning something new every day and wrote yesterday about the need to step outside of my comfort zone when things don’t feel as if they’re progressing. Since the launch of my novel, Alarm Clock Dawn, in 2013 I’ve worked tirelessly to write new books, engage readers, and generate new original content almost every single day across Twitter, Facebook, my blog, and whoever else will have me. All the while I've kept my day job. In these years I’ve had some successes and have met some truly amazing folks.
After three years of very hard work, I’ve realized that I’m not reaching my goals fast enough. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over an expecting different results, this is precisely what I’ve been doing. The truth is social media isn’t the path to success that it once was for us indie authors. Facebook is limiting post outreach more and more every day.
A friend (who happens to be a wonderful editor) sent me the right information at just the right time and it’s caused me to rethink everything and reevaluate how I’m spending my most precious commodity, time. Most of this information I already knew but the missing piece to the puzzle was to actually learn how to put the ideas into action. Thanks to her I now I have that missing puzzle piece. (Jennifer, I owe you a drink or lunch.)
I believe everything happens for a reason and when it’s supposed to, this recent string of events must mean that I’m finally ready. I hope so.
Over the next few months I’m going to be recalibrating my entire approach to my writing career. Instead of spending all my time generating content and writing books that reach only a handful of people, I’m going to work hard to build an army of readers that Facebook, Twitter, nor any other entity can limit my access to. Along the way I’m going to be completely transparent with you about my results so others can benefit from what I learn.
Writing is, and always has been, a labor of love for me but I also want to make writing my fulltime career. Building a large readership base and then setting my marketing on autopilot will free up my time to write more books, create more quality social media content and engage with you more than I could ever hope to any other way. This will involve developing a mailing list, building a proper website, as well as many other things that I won’t bore you with right now.
I’m very excited for the future and I hope you're a part of it. Please be patient with me during this transition.
Know that each of you are very much appreciated. Your support over these past few years is what has kept me going!
~Eric Vance Walton~