
Desire, draw us ever deeper to the keeper of our heartswe seek but a glimpse of timeless twilight in this long day's night the Peace we seek begins within and ripples forth in silent waves bathing each and every soul with light "the powers that be" wish us to continue our slothful slumber but our numbers are too great for our hunger to be quelled put your ear to the tracks and hear the low rumble of our humble awakenings take this, your first gasp of pure Truth utter your first cry, then a long cleansing sigh as we say goodbye to the darkness of this world

The Greatest of Secrets

You languish, awash in worrythat time is slipping by and all that once was has long gone down the road never to pass your way again

they tell you you’re a sinner and you remember when your innocence wouldn’t allow you to believe but time and their wicked words have so deliberately whittled you away

it is they who tell you to keep coming back, dangling the hope of salvation just beyond your fervor’s grasp.

But there are a few things that they have failed to tell you you are miraculous, you are divinity’s spark the power of your soul is a sleeping giant, long exiled

if you only knew the power that you possess your eyes would stream tears of joy as if awakened from a terrible nightmare to realize the greatest of secrets, that you are an emperor in beggar's clothes indeed.


When the Truth stands before youall else melts into solemn nothingness an easy calm settles down upon your soul and wraps you tightly in the beauty of each moment what once seemed all-important can never again regain its luster you will not only believe in miracles but you will know them to be true for at long last, you once again found you

The Long Road Home

Suspended in sweet lucidityeyes opened in this dream as relativity ebbs away from me life is no longer what it seems within these walls of alabaster time is ticking ever faster subjectivity breeds delusion this lesson will take how long to learn? as we stumble in confusion it's for the same thing we all yearn within these walls of alabaster time is ticking ever faster to find release from caged trinity escape once from familiar shores we're all our own worst enemies I am mine and you are yours.

State of the Union

I’ve seen struggleknow what it’s like To be broken It’s not just a token Of this imagination So counterintuitive to get up again

But I walk the grey mile force a smile for a while Basking in the same fluorescent glow you know

From sea to shining sea I see girls and boys so willing to sell Their souls for a bankroll what happened to clean and tidy God almighty now this is democracy?

Let the beige-ness Of our existence leave its creamy foam on your lips like a scarlet letter

you’ll feel better the morning after mocha latte tips warm sips sway those voluptuous hips to get you through it all hip-hop to trip-hop to flip-flop and waffle

so easy to grow thin and angry when the deck is stacked or fat and dumb look out psyche here it comes,

four more years.


Wander Lost

When the routines of lifeshroud my peace and cause me to wander lost

I long to be a small fish in a big pond,

to lose myself in the bright spot of the next road’s vanishing and to be born again in foreign eyes

I then awaken in remembrance that happiness isn’t meant to be rationed out like thin grey gruel

each day's dawn is a sweet symphony and as long as I hear the music my dreams will have to die another day.


Quote of the Day

"If it was just about surviving, getting by, and keeping things the way they are, then how would you explain imagination? 

If it was just about sacrifice, selflessness, and altruism, then how would you explain desire? 

And if it was just about thinking, reflection, and spiritual stuff, then how would you explain the physical world? 

Get the picture? Want it all. That's what it's there for."

Notes From The Universe

Native Sun

I am four generations removed 
from a world unrecognizable, 
a world without walls, 
truth of word and of law 
but ultimately just another domino 
to fall in the name of progress 

Imagination can only give a glimpse 
But the seed of memory is strong in me 
Often bubbling up as effervescent 
Wisdom whispering in my thoughts 

The forest is where I come to worship 
its great canopy, my cathedral 
branches gently swaying in the breeze 
to the melody of birdsong, its beautiful choir 
I connect with Nature in all her majesty, 
the supreme intelligence behind it 
gives order to the chaos 
again grounds and humbles me 
leaving everything right again 

just a brief respite from our unbalanced existence 
but it helps to quell the sadness of the sorry state we’re in 
then the Native Sun tells me to open my eyes 
and see that humanity is finally beginning 
To awaken from a slumber long huddled in Cimmerian shade 

Our family is being remade before our very eyes 
And the children of new world are an amalgam 
much stronger than the first, 
now a harmony unimaginable can be visualized 
shimmering in the not so distant twilight, and felt flowing towards our shores 
Truth and destiny cannot forever be hushed 

And to the Native Sun I whisper back, “please hurry”.

W.A. Frost

Within these walls we

lose our blahs

and escape the blasé

this place of quiet confidence,

is timeless but echoes of days long past

when life was lived more deliberately

Tommy serves up wisdom and

whimsy in equal shares, always ready

with the perfect pour and a wind-up toy

to usher away the cares of the day

here people from all walks of life converge,

bound together by the love of true quality

and the realization that the essence

of what is wonderful about life

can sometimes be so easily lost

in the fast and the new.


Memories of the Sun

smothered in this deep winter bleaknessas the sun walks away from us an ancient journey to be traveled once again

but I will hold fast in my memory the days when it seemed close enough to pull from the sky and whisper to

I remember each moment it warmed us and the wondrous twilight when we squinted as it danced broad along the water's edge

these memories of the sun, they will offer me solace through the gathering darkness as we patiently await the lushness of the equinox with a certain feigned indifference that fools no one.

The Edge

This lonely road unfolds you,

it quells the guilt that scolds you

and dulls the fear that holds you

in the place you stand today


then the veil is slowly lifted,

and wicked lies are sifted

once muddled thoughts seem gifted

what is there left to find?


once precious ties are severed true

an epiphany, you forever knew

you no longer worry what you'd do....if

the moment's come and gone


so beautiful, this existence

when pure truth spans the distance

a call that makes Maya whence

echoes from heart and mind


until now you’ve failed to see

that you're everything you need to be

won't you close your eyes and walk with me

out to the very edge.

Beautifully Bittersweet

These lines on my face
convey much more
than words can say

In every laugh,
every tear it is written
that life is more than
some fluid interplay
of randomness

I've long felt trapped
by the ceiling,
have grown accustomed
to the cool indifference
of its glass

like a child I've fogged it over
with breath and etched a
message for some savior
to find

But that savior never came
and the hands, they continued so
persistently in their sweeping revolution
that now no time remains to succumb to sameness

The realization of a dream
appears when it is meant to,
always written in beautifully bittersweet form.
The glass so easily shatters.